A tiny ancient beetle, going unnoticed by many, perhaps living in your very garden, where he will do no harm, feasting on decaying matter and small insects, after nightfall... while you sleep.
Some might say he resembles an earwig, but no! This is indeed a beetle, of the Staphylinidae family, one of the largest and oldest beetle families. They’ve been living on our planet for about 200 million yrs. The rove beetle has very small elytra, under which lie carefully folded full-sized wings. Yes, he can fly! The exposed and rather elongated abdomen is flexible, and this beetle can raise it up like a scorpion if threatened.
While many rove beetles are brown and black, some are colorful and shiny.
And so I’ve embroidered some with a little shine and a touch of color, just for you, the beetle lover.
Product Description:
Whether or not you are familiar with the rove beetle, you’ll adore this brooch: an elegantly elongated beetle, which I’ve hand-embroidered using cotton and metallic threads onto vintage linen, and encased in a long oval metal brooch frame.
Choose from:
• A gray beetle with red head, steel metallic thorax, silver tone frame.
• A teal and gray beetle with golden metallic thorax, gold tone frame.
Brooch measures 2 1/8” long x 1” wide (5.5 x 2.5 cm) brooch clasp (pin) on the underside.
With this brooch clasped to your lapel or scarf, you’ll bring the little-known rove beetle out into the light of day!